Tuesday, July 28, 2020

2020 Professional YoU! Virtual Camp Series

Event Information:

This Virtual Camp Series is designed to help Texas 4-H youth to develop and enhance their professional skills.  Texas 4-H members outside of Bastrop County 4-H are also welcome to participate.  

To Register for one or more of the programs in this camp series, please complete the following steps:

  1. RSVP for the date(s) you wish to participate in:
    • Please submit 1 response per child, even if you will be participating on the same computer
    • Please make sure that you receive an email confirming your submission(s)
  2. Download, complete, and submit the Virtual Camp Waiver form to the Bastrop County 4-H Agent at MLMickelson@ag.tamu.edu at least one (1) day before the first camp you wish to attend. 

Check out the event page on our Bastrop County Extension Calendar: 

Click Here to RSVP for Virtual Camp Series

Click here to Download Virtual Camp Waiver


Monday, July 27, 2020

Online Food Preservation Series - Archer County - starts 8/4/20

The Archer County Texas A&M AgriLife Extension is hosting an online food preservation series in August. Registration is online, through Eventbrite at https://foodpreservationonline.eventbrite.com.  The cost for the entire series is $20.00.

Classes will take place at 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM and will cover:

  • August 4 - Drying Herbs
  • August 11 - Drying Fruits & Vegetables
  • August 18 - Freezing
  • August 25 - Jerky

Each session will be recorded.  The participation link will be sent to each registered participant the day of the event.  A password protected link, to view recording and videos, will be sent the following day.

Friday, July 24, 2020

07/23/20 Email Blast: 4-H Planning & Updates


Howdy and Happy Thursday!!!

We hope that you have had a chance to make the best of this summer!  We are getting excited for the upcoming 4-H year and are hard at work with our Bastrop County 4-H Council and Ambassador groups trying to plan some fun events for this fall.  It is looking like we will be limited on in-person activities for another month or two at this stage, so our goal is to try to host in-person activities if we can find a facility that will allow us to do so AND if it is safe to do so.  We have received some updated guidelines for 4-H meetings (at last!) and are working with our County Health Officials to see what we need to adjust with respect to our current regulations.  We are also working on partnering with a couple of our surrounding counties (Lee and Caldwell) to try to provide some more project leader training opportunities and project support this year! 

We have released the validation tag order deadlines, validation dates, & current livestock show updates in a livestock email blast yesterday.  They should be posting to our blog and Facebook pages this afternoon.  Please feel free to forward those updates to any new or prospective 4-H members so that they have that information to plan for the upcoming year.

I also wanted to let you know that I will be taking a short vacation starting on Friday, July 24th, and I will be back on Thursday, July 30th, bright and early.  I will be monitoring my phone and email on Friday, but will not be actively responding until I get back.  If you need immediate assistance or have any urgent questions, please contact Stacy and Ciera at the office at 512-581-7186.

In the meantime, please check out a few of our upcoming opportunities:


  • 4-H Ambassador & County Council Planning Survey
    • Our Ambassador groups and County Council are hard at work trying to plan some events for our 4-H program this year, BUT they want to know what types of projects/activities you would like to see and evaluate what you think we’re doing well, first. 
    • Please help them out by participating in the Bastrop County 4-H Planning Survey.  The survey should take less than 5 minutes to complete and there are no risks involved. 
    • To participate – CLICK HERE to be taken to the online survey
    • Please let Mellanie know at MLMickelson@ag.tamu.edu if you have any questions or need help.
  • FCH Ambassador Meeting – SUPPORT NEEDED
    • We want to grow this Ambassador group a little more to tailor the FCH Projects (Food & Nutrition, Fashion & Interior Design, Clothing & Textiles, etc) to your needs!  We are inviting anyone interested to join us for a virtual planning meeting on Monday, July 27, 2020 from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
    • To register for the meeting: please email Stacy & Hillary and send in a completed/signed virtual meeting waiver (linked); they will work on sending out the meeting invitation the morning of the meeting.
    • This will be a leadership experience for recordbooks in these project areas


  • Please join us for our this skill development series!  This is a series that was planned with input from our 4-H Ambassador last year and is designed to help Texas 4-H youth to develop and enhance their professional skills.  We have adapted it to be a virtual camp with our program limitations this summer. 
  • To register for any (or all) of the series, please complete the registration form and turn in a copy of the Virtual Camp Waiver
  • Meeting details will be sent out via email to those who have registered and turned in their waiver 1-2 days before each event.
  • Upcoming Sessions will take place at 6:00 PM via Zoom and will include:
    • Thursday, July 30, 2020 – Thank You Notes
      Thursday, August 13, 2020 – Developing your 4-H Resume
      Thursday, August 27, 2020 – Elevating Ideas to Action - Goal Setting


  • We have been unable to find a facility that will allow us to host an in-person event this year.  So, we will be hosting a virtual recognition event around the 3rd week of August this year to celebrate everyone’s hard work and accomplishments. 
  • Our Banquet Planning Committee is going to meet next Thursday, July 30th, to figure out how to make the best of this situation – the planning committee consists of the County 4-H Council Officers and Council delegates that volunteered to help plan this event. 
  • If you have any ideas or suggestions for this event, please email them to Mellanie at MLMickelson@ag.tamu.edu so that we can review and discuss them at the meeting next Thursday.


We currently have several events and opportunities available on the County Calendar and on the Blog:

Date of Event Deadline to Apply Name of Event
July 27, 2020 7/27 FCH Ambassador Planning Meeting
July 30, 2020 7/30 Professional YoU! Series - Thank You Notes
July 30, 2020 7/30 2019-2020 Banquet Planning Committee Meeting
August 13, 2020 8/13 Professional YoU! Series - Developing Your 4-H Resume
August 19, 2020 8/19 Early Heifer, Lamb, & Goat Validation Tag Orders Due
August 27, 2020 8/27 Professional YoU! Series - Elevating Ideas to Action - Goal Setting
September 1, 2020 NA County Council Meeting
September 16, 2020 9/16 Early Swine Validation Tag Orders Due
September 23, 2020 9/23 LATE Heifer, Lamb, & Goat Validation Tag Orders Due
October 6, 2020 NA County Council Meeting
October 14, 2020 10/14 LATE Swine Validation Tag Orders Due
October 27, 2020 9/23 Heifer, Lamb & Goat Validation Day - starts at 5:00 PM (location TBA)
November 14, 2020 10/14 Swine Validation Day - starts at 5:00 PM (location TBA)
Date of Event Deadline to Apply Name of Event
December 1-3, 2020 11/3 District 10 Fall Roundup
Date of Event Deadline to Apply Name of Event
July 31 - August 2, 2020 TBA Sheep Capital Lamb Camp
July 31, 2020 7/31 2020-2021 Texas 4-H STEM Ambassador Applications OPEN - Due 7/31/20
August 4, 2020 TBA Preserving Your Harvest Canning Class Series – Introduction & Equipment
August 4, 2020 TBA Online Food Preservation Series – Drying Herbs
August 6, 2020 TBA Preserving Your Harvest Canning Class Series – Water Bath Canning Basics
August 11, 2020 TBA Preserving Your Harvest Canning Class Series – Pressure Canner Basics
August 11, 2020 TBA Online Food Preservation Series – Drying Fruits & Vegetables
August 18, 2020 TBA Online Food Preservation Series – Freezing
August 25, 2020 TBA Online Food Preservation Series – Jerky
August 30, 2020 8/30 Youth-led Creative Expression Contest to Prevent COVID-19 across Texas!

That is all we have for now for livestock – please let us know if you have any questions and have a fantastic week!


Mellanie L. Mickelson
Bastrop County Extension Agent - 4-H & Youth Development
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Services
P.O. Box 650 | 901 Pecan Street | Bastrop, TX 78602
p: (512) 581-7186 | c: (512) 522-9174 | f: (512) 581-7187
Website - https://bastrop.agrilife.org
Blog - www.bastrop4h.blogspot.com
Facebook - www.facebook.com/BastropCounty4H

Thursday, July 23, 2020

07/22/20 Email Blast: Major Validation Information & Livestock Show Updates


Hello and Happy Wednesday!

We hope all of you are doing well!  As we are moving into the fall and preparing for the start of the 2020-2021 Livestock Show season, we wanted to pass on some updates and information to assist you in planning for upcoming shows.  The shows are currently still planning on hosting the livestock exhibition portion of their shows at this point in time.  Please note that may change as we get more COVID updates from our state and local health authorities.  We'll share information and updates as we receive them.

Major Livestock Show Validations:

Local Show Updates:

  • Bastrop Area Livestock Show: https://bastrop.agrilife.org/bals/
    • Has a website!  - we are working on adding information as we receive it
    • Tentative Schedule and Updated Rules have been posted
    • As a reminder – be sure to look over the validation entry dates and let us know if you have any questions
    • Please remember that the meeting attendance requirements have been suspended for the 2021 show; howeverfamilies are still expected to be aware of the schedule, rules, and other requirements normally communicated at the meetings.    
  • Elgin Livestock Show: https://www.elginlivestockshowassociation.com/livestock-show-youth-fair
    • Reminders:        
      • Membership deadline has been moved to October 1, 2020
      • All show Livestock Show and Youth Fair entries will be due by November 1, 2020
      • Updated rules for ownership and validation
    • The 2020 rules are currently posted; however, the updates to those rules are also noted on the website.

Major Livestock Show Updates:

Below are the current updates that we have received for the Major Livestock Shows.  We are expecting more updates during the first week of August after the 4-H Agents’ Conference – stay tuned for those updates.  The Heart of Texas and State Fair shows have started releasing some information, so we have a couple of tentative entry deadlines included below.  Those may change depending on what timeline the shows give us for entries and how soon they release their entry forms.  Please click on the links below to see the updates that have been shared with us.

That is all we have for now for livestock – please let us know if you have any questions and have a fantastic week!


Mellanie L. Mickelson
Bastrop County Extension Agent - 4-H & Youth Development
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Services

P.O. Box 650 | 901 Pecan Street | Bastrop, TX 78602
p: (512) 581-7186 | c: (512) 522-9174 | f: (512) 581-7187

Website - https://bastrop.agrilife.org 
Blog - www.bastrop4h.blogspot.com 
Facebook - www.facebook.com/BastropCounty4H

Preserving Your Harvest Online Canning Class Series - starts 8/4/20

Castro County-Texas A&M AgriLife Extension and 4-H is hosting an online Preserving Your Harvest Canning Class Series.

Registration is through Eventbrite at https://preservingyourharvestonline.eventbrite.com and the cost will be $15.

 This 3 part series will cover

  • Aug 4-Introduction and equipment
  • Aug 6-Water Bath canning basics -including jellies pickles and salsa
  • Aug 11 – Pressure Canner Basics -including vegetables

Once the participant is registered they will get a link for the event each day.  We will be recording. 


Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Youth-led Creative Expression Contest to Prevent COVID-19 across Texas!

Request for Applications (RFA)
We are inviting young people from across Texas to submit creative materials (videos, digital art, murals) to promote behaviors that can prevent the spread of COVID-19. Materials will be used by schools, health departments, and other community groups to promote COVID-19 protective behaviors. This contest is being hosted by the COVID-19 Communications Team within the Health Promotion/Behavioral Sciences Department at UTHealth School of Public Health in partnership with community organizations across Texas.

  • Submissions must be created by student(s) and supported by an identified parent, adult mentor, or sponsor. Parent/Guardian permission and signature are required with submission.
  • K through 12 students, student clubs, after-school programs, youth nonprofit organizations, school wellness teams, and other youth-based groups are encouraged to apply.
  • Creative expression content can be in English or Spanish and may include translation into other languages.
  • Submissions can be either as an individual or as a group of youth. If completed as a group, we need permission forms from all youth involved with the submission.
  • Creative expression content needs to be authentic and original, or it will be excluded from the competition. We will review for authentication and use of other’s materials or ideas.
  • Creative expression content should link directly to any of the four main COVID-19 prevention behaviors (mask wearing, handwashing, social distancing, not touching your face). However, simple, direct, and brief content/message (e.g., short videos) is encouraged
  • Multiple submission are allowed!

  1. Campaign Launch: Request for Applications (RFAs) will be sent on Friday, July 17th, 2020.
  2. Application Format: Applicants must submit the application from at https://sph.uth.edu/landing/covid-youth/.
  3. Due Date:  Creative Expression Submissions are due Sunday, August 30, 2020.
  4. Awards: 1st - $300 Wal-mart e-gift card; 2nd - $100 Wal-Mart e-gift card; Honorable recognition - Submissions will be posted on UTSPH Facebook page.
  5. Notification of Awards: Participants will be notified of awards by September 30, 2020.
  6. If you have any questions, contact Jacob Szeszulski at Jacob.Szeszulski@uth.tmc.edu (preferred) or call 1-713-500-9679.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

2020 Professional YoU! Virtual Camp Series

Event Information:

This Virtual Camp Series is designed to help Texas 4-H youth to develop and enhance their professional skills.  Texas 4-H members outside of Bastrop County 4-H are also welcome to participate.  

To Register for one or more of the programs in this camp series, please complete the following steps:

  1. RSVP for the date(s) you wish to participate in:
    • Please submit 1 response per child, even if you will be participating on the same computer
    • Please make sure that you receive an email confirming your submission(s)
  2. Download, complete, and submit the Virtual Camp Waiver form to the Bastrop County 4-H Agent at MLMickelson@ag.tamu.edu at least one (1) day before the first camp you wish to attend. 

Check out the event page on our Bastrop County Extension Calendar: 

Click Here to RSVP for Virtual Camp Series

Click here to Download Virtual Camp Waiver


Tuesday, July 14, 2020

2020 Professional YoU! Virtual Camp Series

Event Information:

This Virtual Camp Series is designed to help Texas 4-H youth to develop and enhance their professional skills.  Texas 4-H members outside of Bastrop County 4-H are also welcome to participate.  

To Register for one or more of the programs in this camp series, please complete the following steps:

  1. RSVP for the date(s) you wish to participate in:
    • Please submit 1 response per child, even if you will be participating on the same computer
    • Please make sure that you receive an email confirming your submission(s)
  2. Download, complete, and submit the Virtual Camp Waiver form to the Bastrop County 4-H Agent at MLMickelson@ag.tamu.edu at least one (1) day before the first camp you wish to attend. 

Check out the event page on our Bastrop County Extension Calendar: 

Click Here to RSVP for Virtual Camp Series

Click here to Download Virtual Camp Waiver 


Thursday, July 9, 2020

2019-2020 D10 Recordbook Judging Results for Bastrop County

Congratulations to all of our Bastrop County 4-H Participants in the District 10 Recordbook Judging Event!  Y'all have done us proud!  We even have 2 senior 4-H members advancing to State this year!

Ciera and Stacy will be working on scanning and emailing score sheets to everyone over the next couple of business days, please let us know if you have any questions and have a great weekend!

2020-2021 Texas 4-H STEM Ambassador Applications OPEN - Due 7/31/20

Online applications for the 2020-2021 Texas 4-H STEM Ambassador team are OPEN!  Applications are DUE by July 31, 2020.

Application link:  https://texas4-hyouthdevelopment.submittable.com/submit  The application will activate on July 1.  Applicants will need to create a simple profile on Submittable in order to complete the application.


As STEM Ambassadors, our mission is to educate communities about science, technology, engineering, and math opportunities; both inside and outside of 4-H, while learning essential skills in STEM, communication, and teamwork.

Eligibility for New Members

Individuals must:

  • Be in at least the 9th grade
  • Be an active 4-H member or 4-H Adult volunteer for the 2019-2020 year, a former Tech Team member now in college, or Extension employee
  • Complete and submit application by July 31, 2019
  • Have a willingness to learn about STEM
  • Be willing to work collaboratively on a team with other youth and adults
  • Be responsive and engaged in team communications
  • Share knowledge and skills with others
  • Not serving on the 2020-21 Texas 4-H Council

To Apply

Individuals must complete the online application, which includes the following sections:

  • Overview and Expectations
  • Personal Information
  • Technology Access & Communication
  • Leadership and Teamwork
  • Experience and Future Areas of Interest
  • Technology Experience Essay
  • Personal Video Narrative*
  • Letters of Recommendation**
  • Acknowledgement and Agreement

* Youth applicants will need to record a personal 2-3 minute video reflecting “who you are and what you do”. The video must be uploaded on Submittable or published to YouTube and the link shared on the application.

** Youth applicants will need to secure two letters as part of the application.


  • July 1 – Applications open
  • July 31 – Applications close (no extensions or exceptions will be made)
  • August 1-29 – Submitted applications will be reviewed
  • August 30 – Applicants will be notified of acceptance
  • October 9-11 – Required training for new and returning members (dependent upon COVID-19 guidelines)
  • April 16-18 – Required training (dependent upon COVID-19 guidelines)

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

2020 Virtual Texas 4-H Congress - ALL Ages Welcome!

 While we had to cancel our traditional means of Texas 4-H Congress, we can still learn virtually from a Texas Congressional member, a Lobbyist, and a Governmental Staffer on Facebook Live! We can also learn about what a bill is, how to write a bill, and what the Press Corps and Lobbyist positions look like for the 2022 Texas 4-H Congress in our zoom sessions led by Texas 4-H Council members and 4-H faculty! Even better - we CAN review bills written by 4-H youth that had already been submitted for the 2020 Congress. Additionally, if you or your 4-H'ers were Governor for a day, what would YOU support? ! Join us online July 13, 14, and 15 for our first ever Virtual Texas 4-H Congress!

We will have interviews with a Texas Representative, Lobbyist, and Staff member on Facebook LIVE at 10 AM next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday! (July 13, 14, & 15) 💻
Then, jump over and join us on Zoom where any and all youth (does not have to be a 4-H member) or adult can learn more about what our traditional Texas 4-H Congress looks like! We'll even be discussing some of the 4-H member-written bills that had been submitted for our event!📱
Submit YOUR questions to be asked during our live interviews and register for the Zoom sessions today at https://forms.gle/ufJhqV21HiiBY9xN8 

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

2020 A+ Federal Credit Union Youth Financial Camps are available virtually this year - be sure to sign up!