- Survey Results & Summer Activity Planning
- County Ambassadors Announced!
- Recordbook Reminders
- Livestock Show Updates
- Cake Auction Postponement
- Cancellation of District & State Events
We hope all of you are doing well and are getting a little break from school sessions being finished! I wanted to pass along some updates to try and keep everyone in the loop with summer activities. So, we’ll start off with our survey results and move on to some of the good news before going into other updates.
Survey Results & Summer Activity Planning
With 15 family responses, we are happy to know that most of our families are
super excited about 4-H activities! We had a lot of division over comfort
levels of returning to in-person activities and decisions being made on
returning to in-person activities based on COVID-19. So, we are working
on some more virtual opportunities for county activities in late June and into
July. We are waiting on more up-to-date guidance from our Chancellor’s Office
and the Texas A&M University System. We are not sure when we will be
able to safely resume in-person activities at this time. If you have any
suggestions for some fun virtual project experiences, please let us know and we
will do our best to try to make them happen!
County Ambassadors Announced!
- The 2020-2021 Council Officers and County Ambassadors
have been announced on the blog,
Page, and website
– please check them out and let us know if you have any questions!
We will be sending individual emails and letters of selection to you early
next week (June) to coordinate an online planning meeting for next year's
activities and meeting dates. We are so proud of your hard work and look
forward to your ideas!
- State Level Ambassadors (Equine, Livestock, Healthy
Youth Texas, Fashion & Interior Design, and Water) will be announced
later on when we receive official notifications from those groups!
- Texas 4-H STEM Ambassador Applications will be available July 1-31, 2020 – they run a little later in the year than the other State Ambassador applications.
Recordbook Reminders
- ALL recordbooks are going to be due to the County
Extension Office next Friday, June 5, 2020 (they need to be postmarked by
this date) – Please have your recordbooks mailed to us at the following
PO Box 650
Bastrop, TX 78602
- We are not 100% sure what judging looks like just yet
and are waiting for guidance from the State Office. We’ll let you
know as soon as possible.
- Resources and presentations for putting recordbooks
together are available online at:
- I am available all week next week for recordbook questions via email, phone, or zoom if you need help or have questions about formatting.
Livestock Show Updates
- Houston
Livestock Show Refunds/Premiums - A lot of County Extension Offices have been asking
questions about this, the shows response is available online at https://www.rodeohouston.com/Portals/0/Content/GetInvolved/Exhibitors-Participants/HLSR-LivestockShowExhibitors.html.
Right now, they are expecting to send out any premiums and refunds in mid-
to late summer (I’m expecting late July at the earliest)
- Rodeo
Austin Refunds
- After many technical difficulties, we are getting them sent out this
weekend! You should expect your checks via certified mail in the
next few days.
- Bastrop Area Livestock Show Checks – the show is still waiting on some of the buyers to pay invoices before they will be able to cut checks. We do not yet have an estimated date on when this will happen, but we will let you know as soon as possible!
Cake Auction Postponement
The Bastrop Homecoming Committee announced that dDue to Covid-19 and the
impact on our local economy, they have made the difficult decision to postpone
Bastrop Homecoming & Rodeo until October 14-17. Cake Auction will be
moved to reflect the new Homecoming date of Saturday, October 17th.
Once baker names are turned in to us, we will share more information and
instructions in July!
Banquet Update
We are working diligently to try to ensure that we have an in-person banquet
this year, if we are safely able and permitted to do so. We are planning
for an event to take place on July 30th this year – please stay
tuned for more details as we get closer to the event.
Cancellation of District & State Events
It with great sadness that I notify you that we have made the difficult
decision to cancel the Texas 4-H Roundup, Texas 4-H Dog Show, the 2020 District
10 Horse Show and the 2020 District 10 Leadership Lab. Due to a variety of
reasons, all with connections to COVID-19, this was the best decision for your
health and safety and the Texas 4-H program.That is all we have for now – please let us know if you have any questions and have a fantastic weekend!
Mellanie L. Mickelson
Bastrop County Extension Agent - 4-H & Youth Development
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Services
P.O. Box 650 | 901 Pecan Street | Bastrop, TX 78602
p: (512) 581-7186 | c: (512) 522-9174 | f: (512) 581-7187
Website - https://bastrop.agrilife.org
Blog - www.bastrop4h.blogspot.com
Facebook - www.facebook.com/BastropCounty4H