Monday, April 4, 2022

2022 District 10 Spring 4-H Roundup Contests



2022 2022 District 10 Spring
4-H Roundup Contests

Hey all!

We apologize for the delay with this information, we've been trying to get back on track and catch up with everything after all of the livestock shows.  We wanted to pass on updates about the 2022 District 10 4-H Spring Roundup Contests.  There have been some adjustments to the schedule for this year -  we have tried to summarize them for your convenience below!

Most of the events are team events that also allow individuals to register; however, if we have a minimum of 3 participants, we are required to register them as a team.  

Also, there are a few contests where we will need to provide a volunteer if we have participant.  If you would like to volunteer on behalf of our youth, please check out the volunteer sign-up.  There are also a couple of opportunities there for senior aged 4-H members to assist with the awards ceremonies for a couple of the contests (counts as volunteer leadership in your recordbooks!).  


  • What is this? District 10 4-H Roundup is a clustered set of contests where youth from all 21 counties in District 10 4-H compete against each other.  There is a D10 Fall Roundup and a D10 Spring Roundup.  A few of the contests have a maximum number of teams/participants that are allowed to compete – for those contests, we have a qualifying County Contest where youth must participate and/or make a certain placing to move up to the District Level.
  • Date: April 19-23, 2022 
  • Location: Fredericksburg, TX (generally unless otherwise noted in the packet, depending on contest)


CONTESTS INCLUDED (rules for each contest are available in the Guide):

  • Please see the list of contests below, dates and locations (if outside of Fredericksburg) have been noted to the best of our ability at this time.  If there are additional forms required at the time of registration, they should be linked below the contest.


  • Regular Registration Available via 4-H Online from March 21 - April 06, 2022
  • 2022 Spring Round-Up Guide (updated March 2022):  2022 District 10 4-H Spring Round-Up Guide 
  • Cost:
    • $30 per person per contest for Livestock Judging
    • $15 per person per contest for others listed above
  • Late Registration is available from April 7-8, 2022 for the original fee plus a $25 fee.  


  • Other opportunities can be found on the County Calendar – registration information should be included for each post.
  • Other Contest related opportunities can be found on the Judging Card Calendar – to sign up for these opportunities, please contact Mellanie at or at 512-581-7186

That's all for now!  Have a great week and let us know if you have any questions!


Mellanie L. Mickelson

Bastrop County Extension Agent – 4-H & Youth Development
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Services

P.O. Box 650 | 901 Pecan Street | Bastrop, TX 78602
p: (512) 581-7186 | c: (512) 522-9174 | f: (512) 581-7187

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