Hey all!
We wanted to send some quick information for the District 10 Leadership Lab for this year since registration has opened! This is an incredibly fun opportunity for youth ages 13 and older to get to meet and interact with other youth in the District, learn leadership activities and skills, and to potentially run for additional leadership positions! We are also excited to be attending the camp with District 6, so we'll get to meet some new people.
If you serve in a youth leadership role (teen leader, club officer, ambassador, etc) we HIGHLY encourage you to attend this event. As a reminder, our County Council officers are required to attend and will be there with me as a chaperone, along with several other County Agents in our District. Additionally, the 4-H Council offers a reimbursement of 75% of the cost of registration for youth who register for and attend the event. If you have any questions about this event, please let us know!!
Please note that registration closes tonight at midnight for those who would like to attend and participate this year.
Promotional information for the 2022 District 10 Leadership Lab has been released and is available for download here.
Our District 10 Leadership Lab will take place at Camp Kubena in Ledbetter, Texas from June 29 - July 1, 2022. This event is the annual during which our youth elect their District 10 4-H Council Officers and participate in Leadership Workshops to take back new leadership skills to help their County and Clubs. All participants must be at least 13 years of age by the date of Leadership Lab. This year, District 6 will also be joining us!!
The registration cost of $250 per youth and covers all meals and lodging except for lunch on Wednesday, June 29th, and lunch on Friday, July 1st. Bastrop County 4-H will be providing transportation to and from the event, please send an email to MLMickelson@ag.tamu.edu letting us know if you would like your 4-H member to ride with us OR if you are planning on driving them. A more detailed list of items to pack and items to leave behind is available via the following link: Camp One Pager & Packing List.
If you are wanting to run for an officer position, please let Mellanie know at MLMickelson@ag.tamu.edu and be sure to register early. Mellanie will be following up with individuals to help them prepare for elections.
- Leadership Lab One Page Event Overview (PDF)
- Registration is online via 4-H CONNECT
- Registration period: May 5-31, 2022
- Cost to attend: $250
- Additional Paperwork Requirement: There are 4 forms to download, complete, and upload in the registration, please make sure to complete these.
- District 10 4-H Leadership Lab Participant Information:
- District 10 4-H Council Officer Application & Election Information:
- Main page with application: https://d104-h.tamu.edu/district-4-h-council/
- 2022 District 10 Officer Election Letter (included in Leadership Lab Letter)
- District 10 4-H Council Bylaws
- Texas 4-H Council information Packet

- Other opportunities can be found on the County Calendar – registration information should be included for each post.
- Other Contest related opportunities can be found on the Judging Card Calendar – to sign up for these opportunities, please contact Mellanie at MLMickelson@ag.tamu.edu or at 512-581-7186
That's all for now! Have a great week and let us know if you have any questions!
Mellanie L. Mickelson
Bastrop County Extension Agent – 4-H & Youth Development
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Services
P.O. Box 650 | 901 Pecan Street | Bastrop, TX 78602
p: (512) 581-7186 | c: (512) 522-9174 | f: (512) 581-7187
Website – https://bastrop.agrilife.org
Blog – www.bastrop4h.blogspot.com
Facebook – www.facebook.com/BastropCounty4H